(DAMN that dude in the first pic is fine as hell!)
In a perfect world, I could be an openly gay (black) minister.
In a perfect world, I could be an openly gay (black) minister.
I really don't see why it's SUCH a big fucking deal, but...
I was just kickin' it over at my boy's house, all cuddled up and watching his favorite show Law and Order.
I wasn't really paying attention because my mind was going 110mph...
I'm really, really, REALLY feeling Rob. I haven't felt this way about a nigga in a long time.
I know we've got something strong because its been tested and we're still together.
And when you're in love, you want to yell it on the rooftops.
You wanna tell the clerk at Wal-Mart
You wanna tell the guy who rings up your McNuggets at the counter...
You wanna tell the damn Mailman...
You wanna tell EVERYONE when you're in love!
Especially those closest to you.
The other day, my younger brother came to me for some love advice. And half way through it, he asked if I'd ever been in love. I got all choked up because I wanted to tell him YES NIGGA! i'M IN LOVE RIGHT NOW WITH THIS GREAT GUY AND WE'RE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER.
But instead, I punked-out and directed the conversation back on him.
I'm tired of having to lie about it.
The only thing I need to ask myself is this:
Do I love Rob more than I love my title (as a minister)?
Because coming out means pretty much losing all ties with the people that I love (in church). Not only that, but I'd be the talk of the tri-state area.
(Mind you, I've had more guys flirt with me in church than I'd EVER had in the middle of gay bars)
It's SUCH a fucked up situation.
I know my family would be all right with it though.
And Rob's not pressuring me about it, being DL himself, but it does get kinda frustrating when we're pretty much tangled up with each other at home, but have to damn near sneak and hold hands at the movie theater.
How could something that feels so right, be so... wrong?
Whatever. My Pizza Rolls are done so... enjoy the pics yall and help a nigga w/ some advice...